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The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 18

The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 18 published on 21 Comments on The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 18

Guess it’s cold in the mountains….

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The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And we had three new folks sign up over the last few days! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

Iris, Jarno and Ultronimus

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Iris, Jarno and Ultronimus! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!

(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)


So! Karthak has brought Cory away from the disapproving eyes of his parents and into an empty barn! And Cory is finally speaking! But he still seems really wiped out.

Will he find a way to communicate with Karthak? What should he tell him if he does? And would Karthak even believe him?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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