A guy could last all winter on a kiss like that…
Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.
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The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And we had a whopping twelve new folks sign up over the last week! Woo hoo! YOU ALL ARE SO AWESOME! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!
Andres, MichealSpellman, Saberfang, Tabitha, Vince_Setia, Jason A., Joseph C., Carron G., Kevin G., Fauzi H., Luis O. and Petri P.
Thank you so much for your amazing support, Andres, MichealSpellman, Saberfang, Tabitha, Vince_Setia, Jason, Joseph, Carron, Kevin, Fauzi, Luis and Petri!
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Random and Darin P.
(Thank you so much, Random and Darin!)
Thank you all so much for your amazing support! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!
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So! Flyboy had thoughts and concerns about where this was going! He was surprised that he found himself kissing back. He didn’t want to take advantage of Teen Spooky. He felt they should stop and really consider all the consequences and complications.
Teen Spooky’s reply? MOAR KISSES!
How should Flyboy respond to this Young Man of Action? How is he responding? What is going on here?!
What would you do if you were Flyboy?
Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀
That should always be a viable option.
Based on the position of his arms and hands, I believe he is bowing to the inevitable.
At that age? Freak out because a cute shirtless boy wanted to make out with me. I wasn’t nearly as confident as Mitch (still aren’t, really).
Eej! Again (i know, too much use) That is a hot page, Mitch is in trouble! Is that good or bad? I still think Mitch should say “no” because of his “future” knowledge. He can’t afford to make things awkward with an adult Spooks in his real time, could he? Ouch. Alex, your doing it again causing pain with anticipation of the next scene!
In all fairness, Mitch is freaking out a bit himself.
That’s my job, Bill!
So I know it is comics but - isn’t spooky 13 in this time period?
Welcome, Glen!
No. In this time period, Spooky is less than 2 weeks away from his 16th birthday. Flyboy is a couple months older.
Spooky was 13 three years ago when he found himself in Hell. He escaped a year later.
Adult Spooky is 21.
My brain on this page: Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ ミ(゜д゜○)Σ(゚Д゚;≡`゚д゚) whale noises
Once a fujoshi always a fujoshi, I guess. (one quarter of my brain: but Cory!!! and KYLE!!!) as to what I do if I were Flyboy… aw hell, I’d the exact same thing as the last panel I can’t even kid myself >w< and the previous page’s protests would be a whole lot less articulate lmao
Less than two weeks. And Mitch has about two weeks to get back to the future, or he will die. What a coincidence. Birthdays have power. Spooky believes that that is why it was on his 13th birthday he was sent to hell. Could his 16th birthday power Mitch’s return?