The Young Protectors are introduced in their first arc entitled, “Engaging The Enemy”!
I love those saucer-like eyes in Panel 3. 🙂 We have new Fan Art this week. Lots of new Fan Art, actually! For The Young Protectors, KiannaLeigh gives us a fun photoshopped riff called “The Truth” (based on a reader request in the comments) and space-aged gives us a beautiful shirtless Annihilator and Kyle in… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 12
Hmm. The Annihilator seems to be a difficult man to say “no” to. 😀 But I can certainly say “yes” to some really sweet new Fan Art by Little Rainbow Comics’ creator Robert Paul. It’s called “Really Young Protectors”, features Robert’s OC Captain Fabulous and it’s adorable. Go check it out. In other news, I’m… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 13
Um, why is there a half-naked lady in my yaoi webcomic? What kind of devilry is this?! We have new Fan Art from by geekypnai — “Kyle x Anni” portraits. Do check it out. 🙂 Oh, and ***THIS IS A BONUS PAGE!*** Thanks to your generous donations, I’m posting up two pages this week—the regular… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 14
A fair question, seeing as Kyle’s only exit is blocked by a huge, magical gateway… (Man, I just love the expressions on The Annihilator’s face when Kyle isn’t looking. How can anyone who gazes into those soft, gentle eyes in Panel One not trust this man with all their heart?) We have some new, very… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 15
I guess it’s either a date with The Annihilator or a lifetime of anonymous back-alley sex. If only someone had taken the time to explain that to me when I was a teen… We have new Fan Art by Kaori entitled “Coercion” featuring Kyle and The Annihilator. Coincidence or fate? You be the judge! Do… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 16
Hello, Stranger. Almost forgot about you… 🙂 Finally, Spooky gets his own Fan Art in “Spooks” by Symphonicpyro. You should definitely check it out. Also, you might have noticed that the election is coming up. If you live in California and you haven’t registered to vote, you have until Monday, October 22nd and it’s super… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 17
Wait — are those… tentacles? What kind of comic is this?! Looks like The Platinum Priestess is making an impression—she’s only been “on-screen” for a few pages and she already has her own Fan Art! “Platinum Priestess” by Jeremy Thew—do check it out! Oh, and… ***THIS IS A BONUS PAGE!*** The THIRD bonus page in… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 18
It amuses me that our awesome readers thought of The Platinum Priestess saying “Bibbity bobbity boo” before we even got to this page. She is so disney, isn’t she? 🙂 Oh, and a very important word TO THOSE IN THE UNITED STATES: many, many states now allow for early voting right now. You never know… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 19
Wait, I don’t get it. What are they talking about? What does this have to do with Dim Sum in Hong Kong?! We have new Fan Art by Jeremy Thew, a rather sexy embrace entitled “Hot Stuff Annihilator”. And we also have a very special Holloween-themed Fan Art by Lara Idiart that offers a whole… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 20
Um, well, I kinda want a flying car. But feeling young is cool too… GO VOTE ON TUESDAY! (Or, even better, go vote early this weekend.) The bad guys are counting on you to think your vote won’t matter. It really, really does. Especially in this election. Voting is fun, it’s your right and it’s… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter One—Page 21