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The Young Protectors: Legendary: Chapter One —Title Page

The Young Protectors: Legendary: Chapter One —Title Page published on

Welcome to “Legendary” — an exclusive Young Protectors story with two chapters (over 75 pages!) created with special guest artists exclusively for our $5+ Patrons!

Legendary is a bonus arc of The Young Protectors. It takes place a few months after the end of “Engaging the Enemy” and just moments before “Spooky Jones: Past Sins.” It focuses on the Kyle/Spooky relationship and on Spooky Jones’ character in particular. In its pages, you’ll find romance and drama.

If you’d like to read these chapters, it’s easy!

Go to the next page and click the Unlock It Now box. If you’re already a $5+ Patron, you’ll be able to unlock the pages by logging into Patreon. If you aren’t a Patron yet, you’ll be able to become one. It’s that simple. 🙂

You don’t need to read this comic or join me on Patreon to enjoy the rest of The Young Protectors story.

This is just meant to be a special treat for your fellow readers who make this comic possible through their support.

You can read a a summary of this bonus comic and then jump right into the second and third arcs of The Young Protectors. All of which you can read for free!

(The Young Protectors created by Woolfson, DeKraker, and Gandini. Copyright Alex Woolfson. All Rights Reserved.)

Our usual navigation tips: At the bottom of each comic, there is a navigation menu giving you the choice to go to the First, Previous, Next and Last pages. (You can even use the Bookmark link to save your place!)

If the page is unlocked, you can also click on the comic page itself to go directly to the next page. (That’s what I like to do. Clicking on the image of a locked page will send you to the Patreon sign-up page.)

And you can use the following keyboard commands:

  • Left Arrow: Previous Page
  • Right Arrow: Next Page
  • Shift + Left Arrow: First Page
  • Shift + Right Arrow: Last Page
  • Shift + Down Arrow: Random Page


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