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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy—Page 5

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy—Page 5 published on No Comments Yet - Be the First!

Hmmm. Something tells me this might not be a fair fight…

Oh, look! We have new Fan Art by geekypnai! It’s called “Power Within” and features our fiery-hero-who-has-yet-to-say-his-name. Do check it out!

And please allow me to remind you about my Kickstarter Project. If you’d like a printed copy of Artifice, making a pledge to that is the best way to get one (and other cool stuff like art prints, etc.). 🙂

And new page! With more interaction between our hero and the supervillain! Even though I’ve been swamped with the day job and comics stuff, I’ve been loving reading all your awesome comments. Please let me, Adam and Veronica know what you think of the new page! 😀

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