Well, that’s not what I usually expect to see when a man opens a trenchcoat in front of me…
BENT-CON 2014 in Los Angeles is just a week away. This will be my fourth year there, it’s a lot of fun for anyone into LGBT comics, and I’d love to see you there too, so be sure to get a badge!
Also, we have new Fan Art! Tsunami Practice by purplefoxglove — which has the second oldest member of The Young Protectors showing a little skin (or, heck, maybe a lotta skin!) Do check it out!
We had our sixty-eighth bonus page in a row on Wednesday, and thanks to your generous donations, and in addition to our regular Saturday updates, there will also be bonus pages on Wednesday, November 5th (page 76!), Wednesday, November 12th (page 78!), Wednesday, November 19th (page 80!), Wednesday, November 26th (page 82!), and an additional bonus page (page 84!) on Wednesday, December 3rd! And look below—we’re already at $149 towards the bonus page after that!
Special thanks go out to long-time supporters Antonia S. (who makes their eleventh generous donation to The Young Protectors!), & Saxon B. (who makes their 122nd generous donation to The Young Protectors!) for their generous donations over the last few days!
And big hugs go out to long-time friends of The Young Protectors Robert B., and Christopher D. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes Robert’s ninety-first, and Christopher’s 115th super-generous donations to this comic!
Thank you all so much for your generous support!
So! Seems like those airholes are key to Commander’s plan to save the hostages. Could she have been listening in to your Disqus comments?
Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there!
DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! Edit 11/1/14 11:10 PM: So, I was out for the day for a post-Halloween costume party, and while I was gone, y’all just BLASTED past the target of the donation bar below! WOOT! So, thanks to your generous donations, that means that in addition to our regular Saturday updates, and bonus pages on Wednesday, November 5th (page 76!), Wednesday, November 12th (page 78!), Wednesday, November 19th (page 80!), Wednesday, November 26th (page 82!), and Wednesday, December 3rd (page 84!), there will now be an additional bonus page (page 86!) on Wednesday, December 10th! Y’all are TOTALLY AMAZING! THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!
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